Muzica m-a fascinat mereu. A avut mereu capacitatea
sa ma faca sa aflu lucruri despre mine, prin ascultare si introspectie, m-a
facut sa cercetez si sa ma regasesc mereu in timp. Si sa fac cercetari, pas cu
pas, cine cu cine, cand si unde. Am revenit adesea sa ascult piese care au
reusit mereu sa sune altfel in urechea
si simturile mele, de fiecare data. In mine schimbandu-se lucruri in rastimp,
melodiile ramanand absolut aceleasi.
George Michael am descoperit odata intreg filonul de jazz-bossa nova, pe Stan Getz,
Astrud Gilberto, Joao Gilberto. Apoi pe Sting, cu a sa Roxanne, si apoi pe The
Police. De la Pink Floyd am inceput si m-am regasit si inspirat creativ din jazz. De Pat Metheny am
devenit depedent prin 2010, muzica lui initiaza adevarate calatorii imaginare
in peisaje miraculos de insorite (The road to you, More travels). Exersand la chitara bass, inca din anul 1 de facultate, am
auzit rapid de celebrul Jaco Pastorius, poate cel mai virtuoz om de bass din
toate timpurile.
Cand am aflat ca cei doi au cantat
impreuna, prin 1980, in echipa fiind si Michael Brecker (cel pe care il stiam
de pe discul meu favorit, “One more angel, al lui John Patitucci) nu am ramas indiferent
si am cautat concertul. Am aflat astfel despre “Shadows and light”. Nu erau
singuri pe scena, ci o acompaniau pe Joni Mitchell. Nu stiam nimic despre ea,
parea generatia flower power, Woodstock. Asa si era.
Joni Mitchell, Jaco Pastorius, Pat Metheny, Michael
Brecker - concertul din
Jaco face
un solo antologic aici:
De atunci ma urmareste una
dintre melodii “A case of you”
Acum, dupa un an, piesa imi revine obsesiv in minte. Cu putin curaj, imi infrunt starile si o ascult. Si devin curios sa cercetez ce se intampla in spatele ei.
Intr-un interviu
tv, Joni, acum in etate, isi priveste viata cu un ochi detasat si impacat si
face marturisisi care devin magnetice, ma uit la ea ca la un intelept.
“O parte
dintre noi devenim filosofi. Daca ai o casnicie (relatie) reusita, esti
binecuvantat, totul e bine. Dar daca nu, devii filosof”
"Just before our love got lost you said
I am as constant as a northern star and I said,
Constantly in the darkness
Where's that at?
If you want me I'll be in the bar
On the back of a cartoon coaster
In the blue TV screen light
I drew a map of Canada
Oh Canada
With your face sketched on it twice
Oh you are in my blood like holy wine
You taste so bitter
And so sweet oh
I could drink a case of you darling and I would
Still be on my feet
Oh I would still be on my feet
Oh I am a lonely painter
I live in a box of paints
I'm frightened by the devil
And I'm drawn to those ones that ain't afraid
I remember that time that you told me, you said
"Love is touching souls"
Surely you touched mine 'cause
Part of you pours out of me
In these lines from time to time
Oh you…"
“At that period in my life, I had no
personal defenses. I felt like a cellophane wrapper on a pack of cigarettes. I
felt like I had absolutely no secrets from the world and I couldn’t pretend in
my life to be strong. Or to be happy. But the advantage of it in the music was
that there were no defenses there either.” it starts out with an
admission that the relationship in question has run its course, as Mitchell
sings in the very first line: “Just before our love got lost.” Her lover’s
promises of stability are ones that he just can’t keep, and she calls him on
it: “You said / “I am constant as a northern star”/ And I said, “Constantly in
the darkness.”
In the refrain, she acknowledges the
push and pull of his relationship once more: “You taste so bitter and sweet.”
Her concluding thought is one of those lines that songwriters will envy
evermore, a line that evokes passion and love in a strikingly original way: “I
could drink a case of you/ And still be on my feet.” It’s hard to say it any
better than that.
Mi-a placut sa caut si alte interpretari, fiind una
dintre melodiile cu multe cover-uri. Linia
melodica si armoniile sunt fascinante.
”A case of you” (early) - ascultati armoniile, suna fabulos!
K.D. Lang are unul dintre cele mai sensibile cover-uri.
“Muzica spune lucruri pe care le simti, dar pe care nu le poti explica.
Dupa ce asculti, esti transformat de aceasta experienta”
Viata lui Joni Mitchell, intr-un film document
*sursa foto: google commons